Lobstershop Wall

Site Description

Site Description: Lobstershop Wall provides one of the most intriguing dive sites in south Puget Sound. A sandy, silty bottom gives way to a sheer clay wall that plummets well beyond recreational dive limits. There is no feeling quite like peering over the edge into what seems like the abyss.

Entrance to the site is located to the right of the Lobster Shop restaurant. Use caution when climbing down the break water to access the beach. Take a compass heading straight out from shore and work your way out following it to the wall….and obviously, remember your reciprocal heading to get back to shore.

Marine Life

Marine Life: On the wall itself, Giant Pacific Octopus and Wolf Eels make their dens. Noble Sea Lemons and other nudibranchs sporadically dot the clay. Coonstripe shrimp, Black Eyed Gobies, and Squat Lobster burrow into the soft clay, as well. Occasionally, a Bluntnose Sixgill may be seen working its way out of the depths, up the wall. Working back up the seemingly barren slope can provide some thrills for those sharp-eyed critter spotters. Stubby Squid and Grunt Sculpins are frequently seen in this area, as well as, Spiny Pacific Lumpsuckers.

Dive Site Map

Lobstershop Wall

1. Lobster Shop Restaurant

2. Entrance

Photo Gallery